I like words. My belief is that words
I use say a lot about me, in addition to what I am meaning to say.
One word I have been paying attention
to for some time is “framing.” I first became aware of framing
in the early 1990s while studying psychology; and then it was
“reframing” that caught my attention. I was at a training and
talking with other participants, one of whom was offering what I
heard as a negative critique of the earlier talk. I had appreciated
the talk and made a comment that took the idea being expressed and
transformed it into one I felt was more positive. One of the others
listening complimented me on a “good reframing” of the other
person's point. I had not thought that was what I was doing and
filed away what I took as a compliment to think about later. 1
As my studies progressed in psychology,
I learned more about reframing and used it in a more conscious
manner. I learned that it is a very powerful method of working with
and influencing others. A seemingly simple shift in the context of
the item or issue being discussed can change the way it is being
perceived. In the field of psychology I've used reframing to clarify
the possible intent of a comment heard or action experienced by a
client. In business I've used reframing to change or broaden the
context of what is being discussed. An example of this would be to
take an aspect of business performance that may look like a positive
attribute in terms of how it helps a business unit perform within a
service line, but when looked at in terms of the customer's needs,
may turn into a negative that does not benefit the customer. Here
the initial context may be “How does this make my job easier?”
and the new context is “How does this benefit the customer?”
The “frame” that most of us utilize
in our working lives is “What will do the best job in this case?”
And that frame has benefited us. We do want to do the best job and
asking that question, in the frame of “my job” and “this case”
puts into focus the way we usually think. Lean thinking asks that we
look at a new way of “framing” our questions. We put down a
personal, team, or company frame and adopt a client frame. The new
questions are “Will the client pay for this? Does this add
value for the customer?”
And this means that a new frame needs
to be used from top to bottom of our organization. To become more
effective at what we do, we all need to reframe our conversation, or
questions. We will still ask about the top and bottom line, and all
the other questions. However, our first questions will be with the
customer, about the customer, and from the customer's perspective.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The term
designates a communication technique which has origins in family
systems therapy. ... Another meaning or another
sense is assigned by reframing a situation or context, thus sees a
situation in another frame. A frame can refer to a belief, what
limits our view of the world. ... Psychotherapists trained in the
reframing by communication attempt to let scenes appear in another
point of view (frame) so that someone feels relieved or is able to
deal with the situation better.